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Creating a Bind (Automatic message)
How to Create Binds in CoD4

From the Multiplayer Main Menu go to Options > Game Options > and change "Enable Console" to "Yes".

In-game (Main Menu or while in a server) bring up the Console using the ~ key
("Tilde", \ ).

In the Console, type:

\bind F5 "say ^3Hi"

or select and copy (ctrl + c) this white command:

bind F5 "say ^3Hi"

Go to cod4, open the console by pressing \
paste (ctrl + v) and hit [ENTER].


Now pressing F5 you will have your automatic message

others Binds to copy and paste:

\bind F6 "say ^3Bye"
\bind F7 "say ^3Nice ^7Shot"
\bind F8 "say ^3Thank ^7You"

Take careful note of all spaces and characters used. Missing or adding even one will cause it not to work.

Note That
Don't trying to bind a bind already used by the game:
ex: F1 (vote yes); use these keys for start:

F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11

You can bind any key, including the F# keys and Number Pad.

By using "say_team" instead of "say" Your message will appear only to your team.

Don't use a key already used for another bind:

example: do not use the W, if it is used to make your player walk forward

/unbind insertkeyhere
will unbind any given key, including game controls like W,A,S,D.

You can change the color of any one letter, word or entire sentence by using a ^ ("Caret") followed by a number. If you want to use multiple colors, simply repeat the process however many times you like.

Example: ^1Good ^5Game

The "Caret" and number will disappear as soon as you type them, and everything typed after will be that color.

Color Codes:

^0 = Black
^1 = Red
^2 = Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Light Blue
^6 = Purple
^7 = White
^8 = Current Team's "Team Chat" Color
^9 = Grey


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